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If We Will...Then He Will

A 50 State Prayer Project for Revival

Feeling a growing unsettledness? Concerned that our culture seems in moral freefall? Fearing an impending “seismic shift” in our world as we know it?


I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. Ezekiel 22:30


Will you answer the call to “stand in the gap”?


If We Will...Then He Will is a grassroots prayer project calling intercessors from all 50 states to pray for 50 days over our nation. It was birthed from a desire to bring repentance and revival to the hearts of His people and our nation.


This is not motivated by politics or church affiliation. It is simply a call to His people to turn from our wicked ways and implore Him to heal our land.



December 1-31, 2024 - 31 Days of Preparation

New Year’s Day, 2025 - Time of Prayer and *Fasting

January 2 - February 20, 2025 - 50 Days of Prayer

Join us in interceding for revival in this historic moment.

*Fasting may look different for each intercessor, depending on circumstances. Just ask the Lord what is right for you.


The full-manuscript download button at left provides the full manuscript for viewing, downloading and/or printing free of charge.  To print in 8.5x11, select "fit to page" or "fill printable area" in your printer's settings.  This option works well if you prefer larger print.  To reduce paper, select two-sided option in your printer settings, if available.  (Blank pages are included so online pages are consistent with the published workbook.)


The 6x9 published workbook, compatible with most Bible sizes, is available for a list price of $14.99 through Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

How to Join

How to Join the Prayer Project

Want to join thousands of prayer warriors across our nation pleading together for revival? There is no need to
sign up. Just follow the daily devotions in the prayer guide, available above by clicking on the button for a free manuscript to view/print, or order a published 6x9 version if you prefer. Here are the specifics:

December 1 – 31

Starting on page 17 of the prayer guide, join us in 31 daily devotions in Proverbs to prepare us for powerful prayer.

January 1

New Year's Day is a special time of dedication together in advance of the 50 Days of Prayer. (You may also choose to fast all or part of the day, if you are so led. This is just between you and the Lord. See pages 79-81 in the prayer guide.)

January 2 – February 20

Start January 2 with the devotion for your state as assigned, on pages 88-89 in the prayer guide;  then daily rotate through the devotions found on pages 91-189. Psalms has been divided into 50 sections, each assigned in rotation to a different state every day. Therefore, the entire book of Psalms is read to the Lord each and every one of these 50 days, and every participant reads the entire book of Psalms in only about 5-7 minutes per day.


Thank you for answering His call to “stand in the gap”, uniting with prayer warriors all across this nation. May the Lord bless, strengthen and protect you as you faithfully intercede for revival, repentance and renewal.



lays hold of

God’s plan and
becomes the link
His will
and its accomplishment
on earth.

- Elisabeth Elliot

About Us

We thought it was just lunch. But God had something more in mind.

We are three friends from church who simply decided to get together for lunch over the Memorial Day weekend of 2021. 15 minutes into lunch, one of us said she had been asking the Lord for a couple of friends to help with an idea she believed He had given her. She shared a plan to organize prayer warriors from each State to pray for revival in America. We said “Let’s do it!” The flame was lit.

We felt this was too overwhelming a job for three ordinary women from South Dakota. But if it was the Lord’s will, He could make it happen. And He did, in miraculous ways! He tapped each one of our unique personalities, giftings and backgrounds to bring this to fruition. After only 7 weeks, with over 70 hours of meetings and countless hours of writing and rewriting, the original rough draft of this manuscript was complete.

We have been truly astounded and humbled at the response this project has received over the past three years. Not only are thousands of prayer warriors participating from every State in our nation, but our website has been visited by people from over 50 countries around the world. Be encouraged. The world is hungering for revival.

In response to input from past participants, this 2024 edition has been expanded to include 81 full hymn scores and lyrics. However, a free, full copy of this manuscript is available on our website for viewing, downloading or printing. Though we have copyrighted this material, we give you total freedom to reproduce it free of charge. However, you are not permitted to financially profit from its reproduction nor alter its content in any way without prior written permission. You can contact us by filling out the form below or by emailing us here

May Almighty God use these words to stir hearts and bring revival to this nation and around the world, for His kingdom and His glory.


A Three Strand Cord (Ecclesiastes 4:12)


This prayer study is practical, relevant, and theologically sound. I highly recommend it. By God's grace, may
it bring healing to our land.

Pastor Jerry V., California

What a blessing!  May many be strengthened in Him and His Word!

Lisa D., Texas

This is just the kind of project our church likes to do!  Honored to "stand in the gap" with intercessors all across this country.

Stan C., Florida

All the Scripture references and hymns are amazing and uplifting.  What an encouragement! 
May God be glorified!

Lauren H., Washington

Wow! What a great idea!
We are in!

Justin V., Mississippi

This is simple, doable and profound. Our Bible study group looks forward to praying with believers in all 50 States on behalf of our nation.

Jeri A., Arizona

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!


Spearfish, SD

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A Three Strand Cord is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

EIN: 88-4092985


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This material is copyrighted, but we give you total freedom to reproduce it free of charge; however, you are not permitted to financially profit from its production or publication, nor alter its contents in any way without prior written permission. You can contact us by completing the contact form or send us an email.

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